putExtra() and getExtra() ------------>send data from one activity to the other activity.
First activity.................. Intent intent = new Intent(First.this, Second.class); intent.putExtra("keyName", value); // pass your values and retrieve them in the other Activity using keyName startActivity(intent); Second activity .......................... String data = getIntent().getExtra().getString("keyName","defaultKey"); //the second parameter is optional . If keyName is null then use the `defaultkey` as data. ...........................OR.................................. Second activity .......................... Bundle intent = getIntent().getExtras(); if (intent != null) { emonth = intent.getString("emonth"); ezone = intent.getString("ezone"); ecircle = intent.getString("ecircle"); esndesu = intent.getString("esndesu"); ebillgroup = intent.getString("ebillgroup"); ebook = intent.getString("ebook"); ecstno = intent.getStri...